Thursday, October 27, 2005

This story will share with you how much pain I have go through and despites the stress and difficult accepting the task, the camaraderie, the empathy and the noble spirit of the Angle Shine through.

Pain and Hurt of myself

Soon I have to leave from my combat team due to other reason. I am very sad mood about my health condition since after my medic course. The test was done twice each month and the results come out positive. I don’t know how to tell my health condition to friends and other because I felt embracement. My mum and dad knew about me and they were just sad. So I decided to write in blog, those who read will know. I having a HTHL as it may cause permanent if I don’t take care of the HTHL. HTHL is a hearing never that may cause temporary or permanent damage. I might have a chance of recovery is just 10% ONLY. The doctor told me a bad news, if this doesn’t seen to be good. It may be DEAF. This hurt me a lot and some of the solider in the company through I trying to fake myself or even some said I through of getting out of the combat team. With this sentence make me angry and feeling sad. They don’t understand how I feel with a HTHL. But I got a few medics and 3 of my good friends understand how I feel and they concern me daily. Well, I have to accept the changer of myself. So those who have read these I hope you all understand it.

10 months in NS Life

Well 10 months, oh my 10 months already in NS life. Haha. Just a week ago, I was having a cup of coffee with friend from Combat Medic at TCC at clake quary. All of us look different and from different camp too. Time already flies in October and guess what today is my birthday. Yeah. Laughter and joy come out from our mouth and cheer to each other. And not forget the question they like to ask me once again “So Alvin Eeeee got girlfriend or not”. Laughter and tease me again. As my response is “NO”. Joke and question asking around. Of course they celebrate my birthday early.

Dream of a girl

Just last night, I dream a girl, which I may or not believe. Haha do you believe it? I dream a girl who is younger than me about 3 – 4 yrs old different. Hmm but I cant see her look well. She has long hair. Hmm I can’t remember. Haha is just a dream.

A great power have is own responsible to itself. As a medic have a great healing hand to other who are wounded and injury. Sometime life can be happening with unaware what going on. Even friends say can wait till tomorrow but I not so sure how true is it? It our responsible to care and help for other not just leave it aside. Who know thing can just disappear and won’t return.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

heys cheer up, doesnt mean that being deaf is the end of the world (:

Fri Dec 02, 10:25:00 AM GMT+8  

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